Don’t be a duck or an eagle. Be Ostrich.
14th May, 2017 - Treatout FounderWhen I started earlier this year on the Entrepreneurial Spark Sprint programme, I was introduced to Wally Kozak’s powerful motivational ‘Eagles and Ducks on Leadership’ speech. It’s impressive. Given the choice of being a duck or an eagle, I know which we would all want to be.
There’s also a story about ‘Wally the cab driver’ who chooses to be an Eagle. I read it and I can see why it’s a message given to teach about the Entrepreneurial mindset. But I don’t know that I want to be a duck or an eagle.
Then I watched ad agency Leo Burnett’s ‘Ostrich’ created for Samsung. I was blown away. To me it speaks of what happens if, as an entrepreneur, you choose not to listen to those who tell you “You can’t do it. You won’t succeed. It’s not possible”. Their message is simple.
Don’t stop until you’ve made the impossible possible.
So whilst I continue to work hard with my co-founders Tracey and Deborah to start the #TreatOutToEatOut revolution, I will keep that thought with me. I’m not going to listen to the doubters, to those who’ve tried and failed before me. I’m going to keep listening to our customers who say “We need this”. Who say ”Make it happen”. We’re not going to stop until we’ve taken that ‘virtual vision’ and made it a reality for all diners.
When things get tough, as they inevitably do during the startup journey, I’m going to watch this ad. If you are on your own startup journey I urge you to do the same.
I don’t want to be a duck. Or an eagle. I am going to be Ostrich.